

   发布时间: 2021-03-11    访问次数: 5568



























  • 教育背景

2005.09-2009.06 中国石油大学(北京)学士

2009.09-2011.06 中国石油大学(北京)硕士(直博)

2011.09-2015.06 中国石油大学(北京)博士(优博培育)

  • 教书育人及荣誉称号



  • 科学研究及获奖

主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金项目,中国博士后科学基金特别资助、中国博士后科学基金面上项目,中央军委强基计划项目,江苏省教育厅重大科学项目、中石油创新基金项目、江苏省教育厅面上基金项目常州市应用基础研究项目等课题10;参与主研国家自然基金面上项目2项, “十二五”国家重大专项1项,国家青年基金项目2项,江苏省教育厅重点项目1项,中石油创新基金项目1;主持石油石化企业横向项目5项;发表期刊论文110余篇(SCI 53篇、EI 10篇),授权发明专利30余项;荣获省部级科学技术进步奖2

  • 承担的部分纵向科研项目

[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:深水浅层非成岩水合物浆体分解聚并/沉积机理与多相流动规律研究,主持。

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:深水油气管道水合物浆液微观分解/聚并机理及动力学模型研究,主持。

[3] 中央军委科学技术委员会:############################关键技术研究,主持。

[4] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站中)项目:高压油气混输管道水合物浆液聚并/沉积机理与多相流动规律研究,主持。

[5] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:高压油气混输管道天然气水合物微观生长/聚并机理及动力学模型研究,主持。

[6] 江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目:深水天然气水合物固态流化开采安全输送调控机制研究,主持。

[7] 中石油创新基金:海底浅层非成岩水合物固体流化管道安全输送技术研究,主持。

[8] 江苏教育厅面上项目:基于热质传递机理的天然气水合物生长动力学模型研究,主持。

[9] 常州市应用基础研究项目:基于微观机理的多机制水合物分解动力学模型研究,主持。

[10] 国家自然基金面上项目深水油气混输管道水合物-蜡协同作用结晶与沉积机制研究研。

[11] 国家自然基金面上项目深水油气混输管线水合物浆液形成理论与流动规律研究研。

[12] 国家自然基金青年项目深水油气混输管道蜡-水合物协同体系颗粒聚并机理及流变特性研究研。

[13] 国家自然基金青年项目流动体系油包水乳状液微观特性对气体水合物生成传质传热影响机理研究研。

[14] “十二五国家重大专项:海洋深水油气田开发工程技术(二期)-深水流动安全保障与水合物风险控制技术研。

[15] 中石油创新基金:油气集输系统水合物动力学抑制剂多尺度调控机理研究,主研。

[16] 中石油创新基金:水合物技术脱除天然气中二氧化碳工艺及设备研究研。

  • 主要代表性学术论文

[1] Numerical simulation study on multiphase flow pattern of hydrate slurry, Petroleum Science,2023, (SCIJCR 1)

[2] Gas Hydrate Formation and Slurry Flow Characteristics of Gas–Liquid–Solid Multiphase Systems, Energy & Fuels, 2023, (SCIJCR 2)

[3] Hydrate growth and agglomeration in the presence of wax and anti-agglomerant: A morphology study and cohesive force measurement, Fuel, 2023, (SCIJCR 1)

[4] Study on formation characteristics of carbon dioxide hydrate in modified carbon microtube system, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2023, (SCIJCR 4)

[5] Water Droplets Tailored as Wax Crystal Carriers to Mitigate Wax Deposition of Emulsion, ACS Omega, 2023, (SCIJCR 2)

[6] Research on transient composition tracking in natural gas condensate pipeline networks, Physics of Fluids, 2023, (SCIJCR 1)

[7] Experimental Study on the Effect of Wax Crystal-Water Droplet Aggregations on Wax Deposition of Water-in-Oil Emulsions, Energy & Fuels, 2023, (SCIJCR 2)

[8] Study on rheological properties of natural gas hydrate slurry, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2022, (SCIJCR 2)

[9] Investigating hydrate formation and flow properties in water-oil flow systems in the presence of wax, Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022, (SCIJCR 3)

[10] Study on the growth kinetics of methane hydrate in pure water system containing ZIF-8, RSC Advances, 2022, (SCIJCR 2)

[11] Study on the Kinetics of Methane Hydrate Formation in the Carbon Microtube System, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2022, (SCIJCR 3)

[12] Evolution of morphology and cohesive force of hydrate particles in the presence/absence of wax, RSC Advances, 2022, (SCIJCR 2)

[13] Simulation study of natural gas hydrate slurry flow characteristics in a high-pressure flow loop, Fuel, 2022, (SCIJCR 1)

[14] In situ record of the dynamic process of wax deposition in water-in-oil emulsion: Evolution of two types of deposition structures, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, (SCIJCR 1)

[15] Investigation on Synergistic Deposition of Wax and Hydrates in Waxy Water-in-Oil (W/O) Flow Systems, Petroleum Science, 2022, (SCIJCR 1)

[16] Flowloop investigation into hydrate formation and slurry flow in the presence of micron-sized sand particles, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, (SCIJCR 1)

[17] Study on the Formation Characteristics of CO2 Hydrate and the Rheological Properties of Slurry in a Flow System Containing Surfactants, ACS Omega, 2022, (SCIJCR 2)

[18] Experimental Study of the Growth Kinetics of Natural Gas Hydrates in an Oil–Water Emulsion System, ACS Omega, 2021, (SCIJCR 2)

[19] Study on the kinetic characteristics of gas hydrate in the dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate system, RSC Advances, 2021, (SCIJCR 2)

[20] Simulation of upward gas—hydrate slurry multiphase flow in a vertical concentric annulus for natural gas hydrate solid fluidization exploitation, Physics of Fluids, 2021, (SCIJCR 1)

[21] Rheological study of low wax content hydrate slurries considering phase interactionsJournal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021(SCIJCR 1)

[22]Study on the Decomposition Mechanism and Kinetic Model of Natural Gas Hydrate Slurry in Water-in-Oil Emulsion Flowing Systems, RSC Advances, 2021, (SCIJCR 2)

[23] Study of the Comprehensive Kinetic Model of Natural Gas Hydrate Formation in a Water-in-Oil Emulsion Flow System, ACS OMEGA, 2020, (SCIJCR 2)

[24] Investigation into methane hydrate reformation in water dominated bubbly flow. Fuel, 2020, (SCIJCR 1)

[25] Experimental study of growth kinetics of CO2 hydrates and multiphase flow properties of slurries in high pressure flow systemsRSC Advances, 2019,SCIJCR 2区)

[26] Study on methane hydrate formation in gas–water systems with a new compound promoterRSC Advances, 2019,SCIJCR 2区)

[27] Study on the growth rate of natural gas hydrate in water-in-oil emulsion system using a high-pressure flow loop, RSC Advances, 2018,SCIJCR 2区)

[28] Study on the Blockage Mechanism of Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Slurry and Its Microscopic Particle Characteristics, RSC Advances, 2018,SCIJCR 2区)

[29] Study on the Decomposition Mechanism of Natural Gas Hydrate Particles and Its Microscopic Agglomeration characteristicsAppl. Sci., 2018,SCIJCR 3区)

[30] Experimental study on hydrate induction time of gas-saturated water-in-oil emulsion using a high-pressure flow loopOil & Gas Science and Technology-Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, 2015,(SCIJCR 3区)

[31] Experimental study on natural gas hydrate slurry flow, SPE Journal, 2014, SCIJCR 1区)

[32] Study on Gas Hydrate Formation and Hydrate Slurry Flow in Multiphase Transportation System, Energy & Fuels, 2013,SCIJCR 2区)

[33] Focused-beam reflectance method aids hydrate blockage prediction, Oil & Gas Journal, 2013,SCIJCR 4区)

[34] A study of hydrate plug formation in a subsea natural gas pipeline using a novel high-pressure flow loop, Pet. Sci., 2013,SCIJCR 1区)

[35] Investigation on natural gas hydrate dissociation from a slurry to a water-in -oil emulsion in a high-pressure flow loop, Fuel, 2018,SCIJCR 1区)

[36] Hydrate Formation and Plugging Mechanisms in Different Gas-Liquid Flow Patterns, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017,SCIJCR 2区)

[37] Viscosity investigation of natural gas hydrate slurries with anti-agglomerants additives, Fuel, 2016,SCIJCR 1区)

[38] Investigation of natural gas hydrate slurry flow properties and flow patterns using a high pressure flow loop, Chemical Engineering Science, 2016,SCIJCR 2区)

[39] Study of hydrate formation in water-in-waxy oil emulsions considering heat transfer and mass transfer, Fuel, 2019,SCIJCR 1区)

[40] New Simulator for Gas–Hydrate Slurry Stratified Flow Based on the Hydrate Kinetic Growth Model, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2019,SCIJCR 2区)

[41] Experimental Study on Hydrate Formation and Flow Characteristics with High Water CutsEnergies, 2018,SCIJCR 3区)

[42] Investigation of Hydrate Agglomeration and Plugging Mechanism in Low-Wax-Content Water-in-Oil Emulsion Systems, Energy & Fuels, 2018,SCIJCR 2区)

[43] Hydrate Deposition on Cold Pipe Walls in Water-in-Oil (W/O) Emulsion Systems, Energy& Fuels, 2017,SCIJCR 2区)

[44] Viscosity investigation of natural gas hydrate slurries with anti-agglomerants additives, Fuel, 2016,SCIJCR 1区)

[45] Investigation of natural gas hydrate slurry flow properties and flow patterns using a high pressure flow loop, Chemical Engineering Science, 2016,SCIJCR 2区)

[46] Experimental study on natural-gas-hydrate-slurry flow, SPE Journal, 2014, SCIJCR 2区)

[47] Study on Gas Hydrate Formation and Hydrate Slurry Flow in Multiphase Transportation System, Energy & Fuels, 2013,SCIJCR 2区)

[48] 天然气油基水合物浆体流动堵管实验研究, 天然气工业, 2014, 34(11):108-114. EI 期刊)

[49] 油基水基及部分分散体系水合物堵管机理, 科学通报, 2017, 62(13):1365-1376. EI 期刊)

[50] 天然气水合物形成与生长影响因素综述, 化工进展, 2016, 35(1):57-64. EI 期刊)

[51] 天然气水合物的生成对浆体流动稳定性影响综述, 化工进展, 2016, 35(10): 3118-3128. EI 期刊)

  • 联系方式


邮箱:lvxiaofang5@cczu.edu.cn or lvxiaofang5@126.com;  QQ: 532267635


石油与天然气工程学院  能源学院  能源低碳信创产业学院

